Table 1.
To reduce the number of false detections on data, caused by image artifacts, the image quality is tested before event detection. An overview of the number of SDO/AIA images that failed or passed these tests between January 1, 2014 and November 20, 2014 is provided in this table.
Quick-look |
Science |
Flares | Dimmings | Flares | Dimmings | |
# accepted | 149,139 | 148,360 | 221,086 | 223,496 |
# rejected | 4,221 | 4,837 | 4,356 | 4,246 |
.. due to AIA quality keyword | 2,688 | 2,683 | 3,350 | 3,350 |
.. due to additional tests | 422 | 1,052 | 252 | 121 |
.. other (data gaps, reboots, etc.) | 1,111 | 1,102 | 754 | 775 |
Total # images | 153,360 | 153,197 | 225,442 | 227,742 |
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