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Fig. 10.


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Left column: Differences ΔhmF2 between ionosonde observations and F2 layer peaks retrieved from F-3/C occultations collected during the days under investigation between 10 June 2006 and 29 April 2014 within 12:00 and 16:00 LT and magnetic latitude sectors ΔφEQU = ±[0°, 20°] (top), ΔφMID = ±]20°,60°] (center) and ΔφPOL = ±]60°, 90°] (bottom). Right column: Retrieved NmF2 positions (red circles) and co-located ionosondes (blue triangles) within the defined magnetic latitude bands. The latitude intervals are exemplary depicted here under consideration of the magnetic North Pole from 2014.

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