Open Access
Table 1
CH properties extracted by CHIMERA.
Extracted property | Explanation |
Nt | Coronal hole identification number for time t. This ID number is assigned in descending order of size. |
X/YcenN | Coronal hole centroid coordinates in arcseconds and Stonyhurst heliographic coordinates. |
X/YextentN | Most Eastern-Western/Northern-Southern positions in arcseconds. |
Δθ | Longitudinal angular extent of the coronal hole in Stonyhurst heliographic coordinates and absolute degrees. |
Atot,N | True coronal hole area. (ΣpixAcos,N) |
A%,N | Percent coverage of the solar disk by the coronal hole area. |
<Blos > N | Mean magnetic polarity along the line of sight. |
Mean negative/positive magnetic polarity for a coronal hole along the line of sight. | |
Minimum/maximum magnetic polarity along the line of sight within coronal hole boundaries. | |
Absolute total polarity for all negative/positive pixels within a coronal hole boundary. () | |
<Φ > N | Mean magnetic flux through the surface bounded by the coronal hole boundaries. (<Blos > NAtot,N) |
Mean negative/positive magnetic flux through the surface bounded by the coronal hole boundaries. () |
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