Open Access
Table 1.
Spacecrafts, their orbits and the energies of measured proton fluxes.
Spacecrafts | Orbit | Proton energy, MeV |
ACE | Libration point L1 – | >10 |
1.5 million km from the Earth to the Sun | >30 | |
POES-15 (LTAN 17:06:00) | Polar Sun-synchronous; | >16 |
POES-16 (LTAN 16:35:00) | Altitude: ~800 km | >36 |
POES-17 (LTAN 22:03:00) | Inclination Angle:~99° | >70 |
(LTAN is Local Time of the Ascending Node) | Period: ~100 min | |
GOES-10, 11, 12 | Geosynchronous; | >10 |
Altitude: ~36 000 km, | >30 | |
Inclination: ~0°, | >50 | |
Longitude: 135°W, 135°W, 60°W (respectively) | >100 |
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