Table 1

Observed GLEs since 1942 and their solar event associations. Data references are given in the notes below the table.

GLE Episode Solar cycle Date Flare onseta Flare maxa Solar coordinateb Active regionc GLE onsetd
1 17 1942-02-28 1200e 1205e N07E04 1182, 12 1200
2 17 1942-03-07 0442e 0450e N07W90 N.R. 0500
3 18 1946-07-25 1615 1640 N22E15 1242, 51 1645
4 18 1949-11-19 1029 1033 S02W70 1286, 23 1044
5 1 19 1956-02-23 0331 0342 N23W80 3400 0343
6 2 19 1956-08-31 1226 1243 N15E15 3646 1250
7 3 19 1959-07-16 2114 2132 N16W31 5265 2500
8 4 19 1960-05-04 1000 1016 N13W90 5642 1030
9 5 19 1960-09-03 0037 0108 N18E88 5837 0200
10 6 19 1960-11-12 1315 1330 N27W04 5925 1335
11 6 19 1960-11-15 0207 0221 N25W35 5925 0230
12 6 19 1960-11-20 2017 2020 N25W113 5925 2058
13 7 19 1961-07-18 0920 1005 S07W59 6171 1015
14 7 19 1961-07-20 1553 N.R. S06W90 6171 1615
15 8 20 1966-07-07 0025 0040 N35W48 8362 0055
16 9 20 1967-01-28 0206f N.R. N22W154 8687g 0302
17 9 20 1967-01-28 0714f N.R. N22W154 8687g 0810
18 10 20 1968-09-29 1618 1623 N17W51 9678 1710
19 11 20 1968-11-18 1017 1035 N21W87 9760 1038
20 12 20 1969-02-25 0900 0913 N13W37 9946 0915
21 13 20 1969-03-30 0304f N.R. N19W106 9994 0400
22 14 20 1971-01-24 2309 2330 N19W49 11128 2328
23 15 20 1971-09-01 1904f N.R. S11W120 N.R. 2000
24 16 20 1972-08-04 0621 0635 N14E08 11976 1330
25 16 20 1972-08-07 1505 1528 N14W37 11976 1528
26 17 20 1973-04-29 2056 2108 N13W73 12322 2143
27 18 21 1976-04-30 2048 2103 S08W46 700 2123
28 19 21 1977-09-19 0955 1042 N08W57 899 1100
29 19 21 1977-09-24 0512f N.R. N10W120 899 0608
30 20 21 1977-11-22 0945 1007 N24W40 939 1013
31 21 21 1978-05-07 0327 0336 N23W72 1095 0336
32 22 21 1978-09-23 0944 1010 N35W50 1294 1028
33 23 21 1979-08-21 0611 0613 N17W40 1926 0640
34 24 21 1981-04-10 1632 1703 N07W36 3025 1745
35 25 21 1981-05-10 0712 0731 N03W75 3079 0615
36 26 21 1981-10-12 0622 0636 S18E31 3390 0650h
37 27 21 1982-11-26 0230 0237 S12W87 3994 0300
38 28 21 1982-12-07 2336i 2354i S19W86 4007 2350
39 29 21 1984-02-16 0815j 0900k W130 4408 0905
40 30 22 1989-07-25 0839 0843 N26W85 5603 0850
41 31 22 1989-08-16 0108 0117 S15W85 5629 0145
42 32 22 1989-09-29 1047 1133 W100 5698 1135
43 32 22 1989-10-19 1229 1245 S25E09 5747 1310
44 32 22 1989-10-22 1708 1757 S27W32 5747 1810
45 32 22 1989-10-24 1736 1831 S29W57 5747 1820
46 33 22 1989-11-15 0638 0705 N11W28 5786 0705
47 34 22 1990-05-21 2212 2217 N34W37 6063 2230
48 34 22 1990-05-24 2046 2049 N36W76 6063 2110
49 34 22 1990-05-26 2045 2058 W100 6063 2055
50 34 22 1990-05-28 0428i 0433i W120 6063 1000
51 35 22 1991-06-11 0209 0229 N32W15 6659 0230
52 35 22 1991-06-15 0633i 0831i N36W70 6659 0840
53 36 22 1992-06-25 1947 2011 N10W68 7205 2035
54 37 22 1992-11-02 0231 0308 W100 7321 0350
55 38 23 1997-11-06 1149 1155 S18W63 8100 1210
56 39 23 1998-05-02 1331 1342 S15W15 8210 1355
57 39 23 1998-05-06 0758 0809 S15W64 8210 0825
58 40 23 1998-08-24 2150 2212 N35E09 8307 2250
59 41 23 2000-07-14 1003 1024 N22W07 9077 1030
60 42 23 2001-04-15 1319 1350 S20W84 9415 1400
61 42 23 2001-04-18 0211 0214 W115 9415 0235
62 43 23 2001-11-04 1603 1620 N07W19 9684 1700
63 44 23 2001-12-26 0432 0540 N08W54 9742 0530
64 45 23 2002-08-24 0049 0112 S02W81 10069 0120
65 46 23 2003-10-28 0951 1110 S16E08 10486 1120
66 46 23 2003-10-29 2037 2049 S15W02 10486 2105
67 46 23 2003-11-02 1703 1725 S14W56 10486 1730
68 47 23 2005-01-17 0938l 0952l N13W23 10720 0955
69 47 23 2005-01-20 0636 0701 N12W58 10720 0650
70 48 23 2006-12-13 0214 0240 S06W23 10930 0245
71 49 24 2012-05-17 0125 0147 N11W76 11476 0143

Notes. (a)GLE1-32: Hα onset and maximum from Cliver et al. (1982); GLE33-69: X-ray onset and maximum from Belov et al. (2010); GLE70: X-ray onset and maximum from NOAA STP X-ray database; GLE71: X-ray onset and maximum from Gopalswamy et al. (2013). (b)GLE1-32: Cliver et al. (1982); GLE33-69: Cliver (2006); GLE70: NOAA STP X-ray database; GLE71: Gopalswamy et al. (2013). (c)GLE1-4: Meudon rot/n from the Quarterly Bulletin on Solar Activity; GLE5-21: McMath plage region from Švestka and Simon (1975); GLE22-26: McMath plage region from NOAA STP Hα database; GLE27-69: NOAA AR from Belov et al. (2010); GLE70: NOAA AR from NOAA STP X-ray database; GLE71: NOAA AR from Gopalswamy et al. (2013). (d)GLE1-32: Cliver et al. (1982); GLE33-53: Firoz et al. (2010); GLE54: Shea et al. (1995); GLE55-70: Gopalswamy et al. (2012); GLE71: Gopalswamy et al. (2013). (e)Hα flash phase onset and maximum.(f)GLE onset time minus the average time difference between the flare onset and GLE onset of GLEs 1–32.(g)Dodson and Hedeman (1969).(h)Kudela et al. (1993).(i)NOAA STP X-ray database.(j)GLE onset time minus the average time difference between the flare onset and GLE onset of GLEs 33–54.(k)Cliver (2006).(l)Gopalswamy et al. (2012).

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