Fig. 12
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Top: “Landing” page for the NRT DAFFS showing a full-disk line-of-sight magnetogram and defined HARPs for context, and the full-disk forecasts. Also shown: the version of the code running and the training interval being used. Bottom: a context plot for the C1.0+, 24 h, 24 h latency, region-by-region forecasts, contour indicate the event (red)/non-event (black) training-sample distributions, the blue contour is the 50% forecast level, and the green dots indicate the location of the recent data on these distribution plots. The left-hand table shows the HARP number, the corresponding NOAA AR(s) as appropriate, the forecast, and the status flags for the data. The full DAFFS forecast for this date is available for readers through the demonstration page at
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