Table 4

DAFFS Data acquisition and processing timeline.

As relevant for a “midnight” forecast:
Time Task
23:34 Retrieve GONG NRT data, targeting 22:54.
23:36 Retrieve data from HMI magnetogram series ( hmi.M_720s_nrt) for full-disk context
23:36 Retrieve NRT HMI full-disk data ( hmi.ME_720s_fd10_nrt) via NetDRMS, and extract patches using hmi.MEharp_720s_nrt, hmi.Bharp_720s_nrt series. Attempt 21:48:00 target record; if it does not exist, wait one minute and retry.
(21:37) If target record still does not exist, query for data in the following order retrieve closest available record within [-60,+48] of target: 21:36, 22:00, 21:24, 22:12, 21:12, 22:24, 21:00, 22:36, 20:48
23:37 Query E-SWDS for latest SWPC NRT flare events, AR assignments; simultaneous ftp query and transfer
23:54 0. Plot HARPs on full-disk Blos image, for DAFFS landing page (Fig. 12)
1. Update NWRA database with latest events via NOAA E-SWDS database query
2. Update NRT HARP/NOAA translation table in NWRA database
3. Extract GONG patches via NOAA E-SWDS database query of visible active regions
4. Generate parameters, forecasts
5. Link the main webpage to the new forecast

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