Open Access

Table 7

List of ground-based ionospheric observations managed by INGV at different latitudes.

ID Observation City Country Latitude (°) Longitude (°) Receiver Hardware
RO041 Digisonde Rome Italy 41.90 12.50 DPS-4
RM041 Ionosonde Rome Italy 41.90 12.50 AIS-INGV
GM037 Ionosonde Gibilmanna Italy 37.90 14.00 AIS-INGV
TNJ20 Ionosonde San Miguel de Tucumán Argentina −26.90 294.60 AIS-INGV
BHB01 Ionosonde Bahia Blanca Argentina −38.70 −62.30 AIS-INGV
MZAIS Ionosonde Mario Zucchelli Station Antarctica −74.70 164.11 AIS-INGV
BTN0P GNSS Mario Zucchelli Station Antarctica −74.70 164.11 PolaRxS
BTN0S GNSS Mario Zucchelli Station Antarctica −74.70 164.11 GSV4004B
CHA1S GNSS Chania Greece 35.51 24.02 GSV4004B
DMC0P GNSS Concordia Station Antarctica −75.11 123.33 PolaRxS
DMC0S GNSS Concordia Station Antarctica −75.11 123.33 GSV4004B
DMC1S GNSS Concordia Station Antarctica −75.11 123.31 GSV4004B
DMC2S GNSS Concordia Station Antarctica −75.10 123.30 GSV4004B
LAM0S GNSS Lampedusa Italy 35.52 12.62 GSV4004B
LYB0S GNSS Longyearbyen Norway 78.17 15.99 GSV4004B
NYA0P GNSS Ny-Alesund Norway 78.92 11.93 PolaRxS
NYA0S GNSS Ny-Alesund Norway 78.92 11.93 GSV4004B
NYA1S GNSS Ny-Alesund Norway 78.93 11.86 GSV4004B
SAO0P GNSS Sao Paolo Brazil −23.55 −46.65 PolaRxS
SNA0P GNSS Sanae IV Antarctica −71.67 −2.84 PolaRxS
TUC0S GNSS San Miguel de Tucumán Argentina −26.90 −65.40 GSV4004B
ROM0S GNSS Rome Italy 41.80 12.50 GSV4004A

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