Figure 10

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(a) Scatter plot of normalized power input to the magnetosphere, Pα/Po, as a function of southward field in the GSEQ frame of reference, [BS]GSEQ, defined by [BS]GSEQ = −[BZ]GSEQ for [BZ]GSEQ < 0 and [BS]GSEQ = 0 for [BZ]GSEQ > 0. Grey dots are for 3-hourly means, orange dots are means in 1-percentile ranges of [BS]GSEQ and error bars are plus and minus one standard deviation in those ranges. The mauve line is a linear regression fit to the 3-hourly means. (b) The same as (a) for the fit residuals in (a), Δ(Pα/Po), as a function of the difference in the half-wave-rectified southward fields in the GSEQ and GSM frames, [BS]GSEQ − [BZ]GSM. Data are from 1995 to 2017, inclusive.
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