Fig. 1

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The southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in the Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric (GSM) frame, [BZ]GSM as a function of its value in the Geocentric Solar Equatorial (GSEQ) frame, [BZ]GSEQ from a survey of 24 years’ interplanetary and geomagnetic activity data (1995–2017, inclusive). The number of samples in 0.2 nT-by-0.2 nT bins, N, as a ratio of the total number, ΣN, is colour contoured as a function of [BZ]GSM and [BZ]GSEQ. The data are averages over 3-h intervals for 1995–2017, inclusive, which are the intervals over which each am value is compiled, shifted by an average optimum am response lag dto = 1 h (see Sect. 3.3). (a) Is for all data whereas (b–d) are for am exceeding, respectively, its 90%, 95% and 99% quantile for the years studied. The diagonal mauve lines are [BZ]GSEQ = [BZ]GSM.
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