Table 3

Comparison of the number of power grid anomalies in the 5-day period prior to Day 0 N− and in the 5-day period after Day 0 N+, together with p-values of the statistical significance of the differences. These values are given for different reference series involved in SEAs with varying thresholds.

ID < −25 nT
< −30 nT
< −40 nT
< −50 nT
N N+ p N N+ p N N+ p N N+ p
D1 60 59 1.0 54 52 0.92 35 33 0.90 29.0 36.0 0.46
D2 100 115 0.34 109 137 0.08 94 112 0.24 82 94 0.41
D3 17 17 1.0 20 23 0.76 16 22 0.42 18 12 0.36
D4 58 38 0.05 52 43 0.41 45 46 1.0 38 40 0.91
D5 86 75 0.43 91 84 0.65 83 82 1.0 71 68 0.87
D6 30 36 0.54 40 39 1.0 38 37 1.0 34 31 0.80
D7 134 132 0.95 143 137 0.77 115 120 0.79 98 105 0.67
D8 968 955 0.78 892 922 0.50 710 760 0.20 562 586 0.50
D9 105 102 0.89 95 112 0.27 70 67 0.86 44 53 0.42
D10 14292 14338 0.79 13245 13477 0.16 10791 11047 0.08 8601 8764 0.22
D11 415 494 0.01 403 476 0.02 302 387 < 0.01 247 297 0.04
D12 11366 12118 < 0.01 10787 11748 < 0.01 8965 9421 < 0.01 7242 7606 < 0.01
D1 59 56 0.85 59 58 1.0 43 47 0.75 32 37 0.63
D2 98 98 1.0 104 110 0.73 101 121 0.20 93 107 0.36
D3 20 15 0.50 20 16 0.62 15 20 0.50 17 18 1.0
D4 53 36 0.09 51 37 0.17 43 45 0.92 46 49 0.84
D5 79 66 0.32 83 70 0.33 80 78 0.94 83 77 0.69
D6 29 28 1.0 35 31 0.71 38 33 0.64 38 29 0.33
D7 115 118 0.90 137 127 0.58 116 122 0.75 119 118 1.0
D8 964 936 0.54 1005 964 0.37 784 790 0.90 635 667 0.39
D9 98 101 0.89 107 102 0.78 80 93 0.36 58 74 0.19
D10 14220 14061 0.35 14594 14518 0.66 11951 11877 0.64 9702 9854 0.28
D11 408 450 0.16 420 473 0.08 334 415 < 0.01 300 323 0.38
D12 11273 11798 < 0.01 11675 12305 < 0.01 9669 10162 < 0.01 8385 8714 0.01

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