Table 1

List of datasets analysed in this study.

Observatory Acronym Exposures #of frames Wavelength [nm] SW [nm] Period Pixel scale [″/pixel] Images Ref.
Rome PSPT RP 25 393.4 0.25 1996–2020 2.0 3513 1
409.2 0.25 1996–2020 2.0 4367 1
607.1 0.5 1997–2020 2.0 4135 1
Rome PSPT RPS 1 393.4 0.25 2000–2020 2.0 4230 1
607.1 0.5 2000–2020 2.0 3766 1
San Fernando CFDT2 SF 2 393.4 0.9 1996–2013 2.6 3380 2

Notes. Columns are: name of the observatory, abbreviation used in this study, number of summed frames, central wavelength, spectral width, and period of observations, average pixel scale of the images, total number of available images, and the bibliography entry.

References. (1) Ermolli et al. (2007); (2) Chapman et al. (2013).

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