Table 3

SunCET instrument parameters needed to calculate SNR.

Instrument parameter Value Description
Wavelength 170–200 Å Broadband response defined by mirror coating
Aperture size 44.9 cm2 9.6 cm diameter truncated on two sides to a height of 7.62 cm and a 4.8 cm diameter secondary mirror obscuring its center
Weighted factor for broadband 6.88 7 emissions in the bandpass weighted by their quiet-Sun intensity to the 195 Å emission line (see Table 1)
Pixel size 7 μm × 7 μm e2v CIS115 datasheet and confirmed in house
Pixel array 1500 × 1500 Full array is 1504 × 2000; ∼5 rows dedicated to dark
FOV 4 R Design FOV (requirement is 3.5 R)
Plate scale 4.811/pixel From pixel size, number of pixels, and FOV; Note that 2×2 binning will be applied, resulting in 9.611/resolution-element
Optics throughput 0.06 2 mirrors with B4C/Mo/Al coatings (0.35 each), entrance Al/C filter (0.6) with 5 lpi filter mesh (0.98), Al secondary/pinhole filter (0.85)
Quantum yield 18.3 e/ph Average over 170–200 Å bandpass
Dark noise <0.08 e/pixel/sec At −10 °C, from LASP lab tests
Readout noise 5 e/pixel From LASP lab tests
Fano noise 1.3 e/pixel Fano factor of 0.1 for Si
Max read rate 0.1 sec (full frame) 0.025 (up to 500 rows) In SunCET, 500 rows corresponds to 0–1.33 R

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