Open Access
Table 5
SunCET spectrograph instrument parameters needed to calculate SNR.
Instrument parameter | Value | Description |
Wavelength | 170–340 Å | Contains various strong emission lines, including some that show coronal dimming. Defined by grating equation. |
Aperture size | 0.0098 cm2 | 3.0 mm tall × 28 μm wide |
Number of Pixels per emission line | 2000 | 500 pixels tall × 4 pixels wide (defined by slit) |
Pixel size | 7 μm × 7 μm | Teledyne e2v CIS115 datasheet and confirmed in house |
Pixel allocation | 500 × 1500 | Full array is 1504 × 2000; ∼5 rows dedicated to dark |
FOV | Full Sun | Solar Irradiance, image the slit |
Plate scale | 0.011 nm | From pixel size, number of pixels, wavelength range; Note: oversampling spectral resolution of 0.1 nm |
Optics throughput | 0.0122 | Grating Efficiency (0.06), Pt Grating Coating (0.4),Al/C entrance filter (0.6), Al secondary/pinhole filter (0.85) |
Quantum yield | 18.3 e−/ph | Average over 170–200 Å bandpass |
Dark noise | <0.08 e−/pixel/sec | At −10 °C, from LASP lab tests |
Readout noise | 5 e−/pixel | From LASP lab tests |
Fano noise | 1.3 e−/pixel | Fano factor of 0.1 for Si |
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