Open Access

Table 1

Similarity between the reference velocity field at the surface vref(τ ≈ 1) and at various optical and geometrical depth above and below the surface, τ and d, respectively. Metrics C and A correspond to the correlation coefficient (Eq. (4)) and the spatially-averaged normalized dot product A (Eq. (5)), respectively, averaged over time.

Compared quantities\Metrics C A C A C A
vref,t(τ ≈ 1), vref,t(τ ≈ 0.100) 0.844 0.774 0.572 0.586 0.855 0.780
vref,t(τ ≈ 1), vref,t(τ ≈ 0.010) 0.720 0.631 0.431 0.408 0.584 0.558
vref,t(τ ≈ 1), vref,t(τ ≈ 0.001) 0.162 0.243
vref,t(τ ≈ 1), vref,t(d = 0 km) 0.812 0.846
vref,t(τ ≈ 1), vref,t(d = 144 km) 0.668 0.671
vref,t(τ ≈ 1), vref,t(d = 560 km) 0.148 0.239
vref,t(τ ≈ 1), vref,t(d = 1000 km) 0.492 0.438

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