Fig. 2


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(a–h) Examples of multiple COSMIC-2 RO electron density profiles as compared with collocated ionosondes. For each panel, left plot shows a geographical map with the ionosonde location (red triangle) and RO tangent points projection (small dots show the F2 peak point location on the trace), black line depicts the magnetic equator; right plot shows RO-derived Ne profiles and ionosonde-derived Ne profile (solid red line for the measured bottomside part and red dots for modeled topside part of Ne profile). File names like “C2E3.2020.034.20.47.G11” mean COSMIC-2 mission, spacecraft E3, year 2020, day of year 034, time 20:47 UT, “G” – tracking GPS satellite PRN 11 (or GLONASS satellite if “R”).

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