Table 2

Weighting criteria to compare EPS and INPA (TBD = to be assesed in due course).

Weighting criteria EPS INPA
Independence Medium. If joining the Plasma Division or the Solar Physics Division, higher with a specific Interdisciplinary Group. High. SW community keeps full control of its initiatives. SW will not be seen as part of another society.
Capacity to increase visibility High. EPS is a well-established organisation (since 1986). Through the EPS newsletter, we have the capacity to reach a large community.* Low. This is at the beginning but it can increase fast.
Easiness of establishment High. TBD. Note that STCE (and undoubtedly others too) is willing to engage in case this should this solution would be chosen.
Timing to set up Short. It should be relatively short, even if further details from EPS are needed. TBD.
Representativeness Low. It may be low if people not coming from physics (e.g. industry etc.) are unhappy with EPS. High. High and customizable (industry in or not).
Political weight High. EPS is a big and somewhat recognised non-profit organisation. TBD. It must be built up, but will be high in the future.
Sustainability of JSWSC Medium to High. High negotiating power with the publisher. EPS has its letters journal is EPL and other publications, which include Europhysics News and the European Journal of Physics. We assume that EPS will be a strong advocate of our interest. TBD.
Sustainability of the medals Medium to High. EPS has its prizes and SW medals can be part of them. High. The medals are currently well recognised and have impact/scholarship well beyond that of Europe.
Education sponsorship High. EPS-sponsored education activities include, e.g. workshops for physics teachers. High. Our community already invests a lot in SW education.
Costs Annual fee 25 EUR per person. Annual fee TBD (will depend on the business model chosen) ≈150 EUR of administrative costs (one-time).

It is important to note that by entering EPS we also help to increase the visibility of EPS.

Note that the weighting criteria listed here is likely biased by the fact that the authors are coming mainly from the academic sector and thus some criteria important to, e.g. end users, might be lacking. We hope to gain this feedback through public discussion (see Sect. 5.3).

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