Open Access

Table 2

One-sigma uncertainty as a function of altitude for different solar flux values and magnetic index Kp values.

Altitude (km) (xFp = 65, xKp = 4) (xFp = 200, xKp = 4) (xFp = 65, xKp = 8) (xFp = 200, xKp = 8)
100 11.37 6.84 34.19 29.66
150 11.37 6.84 34.19 29.66
200 11.37 6.84 34.19 29.66
225 13.35 8.82 36.17 31.64
250 15.33 10.80 38.15 33.62
275 17.31 12.78 40.13 35.60
300 19.29 14.76 42.11 37.58
325 21.27 16.74 44.09 39.56
350 23.25 18.72 46.07 41.54
375 25.23 20.70 48.05 43.52
400 27.21 22.68 50.03 45.50
425 29.19 24.66 52.01 47.48
450 31.17 26.64 53.99 49.46
475 33.15 28.62 55.97 51.44
500 35.13 30.60 57.95 53.42
600 35.13 30.60 57.95 53.42
700 35.13 30.60 57.95 53.42
800 35.13 30.60 57.95 53.42
900 35.13 30.60 57.95 53.42
1000 35.13 30.60 57.95 53.42

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