Table 2

Diversity of one-dimensional spectral indices for typical nonlinear processes and instabilities in the ionosphere. The abbreviations HL and E refer to high-latitude and equatorial regions, respectively. The ranges of indices, p1 and p2, of two component spectra are given as (p1) (p2).

Phenomenon Region Index, experiment Index, theory/ simulation
3D turbulence HL ~ 5/3 5/3 (Kolmogorov)
Kelley et al. (1980), Cho & Kelley (1993), Consolini et al. (2000) Kintner & Seyler (1985), Guio & Pécseli (2021)
2D turbulence () (~ 5/3) (1) (5/3)
HL De Michelis et al. (2020) Kelley & Ott (1978)
E Hysell & Shume (2002)
Kintner & Seyler (1985)
Nonlinear convection E (1.8–2.2) (4.2–5) (1.5–2) (5–5.5)
Hysell et al. (1994a) Hysell et al. (1994b)
Rayleigh–Taylor instability E 1.9–2 2–2.5
Kelley et al. (1982) Keskinen et al. (1980)
Plasma bubbles E (0.7–1.7) (3.4–4) (0.5–1) (1.2–3)
Rino et al. (1981), Hysell & Kelley (1997),
Basu et al. (1983), Yokoyama (2017b)
Muralikrishna et al. (2007)
Gradient drift inst. HL 1.8–3.5 1.7–2.3
Basu et al. (1990), Gondarenko & Guzdar (2004),
Kivanç & Heelis (1997) Gondarenko & Guzdar (2006)
 (electrojet inst., type 2) E 2–3.5 2.5
Prakash et al. (1971b) McDonald et al. (1974)
Two-stream inst. HL 0.5–1 ~1
Krane et al. (2000) Young et al. (2020)
 (electrojet inst., type 1) E 0–1 1
Prakash et al. (1971a) Weinstock & Sleeper (1972)
Kelvin–Helmholtz instability HL 1.4–2.2 1.5–2.3
Basu et al. (1988b) Keskinen et al. (1988)
Shear-driven instability HL 1.8–2.0 1.8–1.9
Basu et al. (1998) Carlson et al. (2007)
Reversed flow event HL (1.5) (3.3)
Jin et al. (2019)
Polar cap patch HL (1.6–1.9) (4.7) (5/3) (5)
Spicher et al. (2015) Kintner & Seyler (1985)

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