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Review of Geomagnetically Induced Current Proxies in Mid-Latitude European Countries
Agnieszka Gil, Monika Berendt-Marchel, Renata Modzelewska, Agnieszka Siluszyk, Marek Siluszyk, Anna Wawrzaszek and Anna Wawrzynczak Energies 16(21) 7406 (2023)
The Atmospheric Influence on Cosmic-Ray-Induced Ionization and Absorbed Dose Rates
Radiation environment in high-altitude Antarctic plateau: Recent measurements and model studies
A.L. Mishev, S. Kodaira, H. Kitamura, O. Ploc, I. Ambrožová, R.V. Tolochek, I.S. Kartsev, V.A. Shurshakov, A.A. Artamonov and K.O. Inozemtsev Science of The Total Environment 890 164304 (2023)
Application of the global neutron monitor network for assessment of spectra and anisotropy and the related terrestrial effects of strong SEPs
Estimation of Cosmic-Ray-Induced Atmospheric Ionization and Radiation at Commercial Aviation Flight Altitudes
Panagiota Makrantoni, Anastasia Tezari, Argyris N. Stassinakis, Pavlos Paschalis, Maria Gerontidou, Pantelis Karaiskos, Alexandros G. Georgakilas, Helen Mavromichalaki, Ilya G. Usoskin, Norma Crosby and Mark Dierckxsens Applied Sciences 12(11) 5297 (2022)
Application of the Verified Neutron Monitor Yield Function for an Extended Analysis of the GLE # 71 on 17 May 2012
A. L. Mishev, S. A. Koldobskiy, I. G. Usoskin, L. G. Kocharov and G. A. Kovaltsov Space Weather 19(2) (2021)
A Method for Calculating Atmospheric Radiation Produced by Relativistic Electron Precipitation
In Situ Data and Effect Correlation During September 2017 Solar Particle Event
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Analysis of sub-GLE and GLE events using NM data: space weather applications
Is it possible to organize automatic forecasting of expected radiation hazard level from Solar Cosmic Ray (SCR) events for spacecraft in the heliosphere and magnetosphere and for aircraft in the low Atmosphere?