Table 1
Radio instruments performing observations for space weather science and/or operations.
Instrument | Frequency (MHz) | Local noon (UTC)a | Observable | Angular resolution | Operational phase | SW monitoringc |
LOFAR | 10–240 | 11 | Sun, IPM, Iono | 1.4′–30″ (core stations) | >2006 | No |
LOFAR4SW | 10–240 | 11 | Sun, IPM, Iono | 1.4′–30″ (core stations) | >2023 | Yes |
SKA | 350–14000 | 10 (SA), 4 (AUS) | Sun, IPM, Iono | TBD | >2020 | No |
MUSER | 400–15000 | 4 | Sun | 1.3′–50″ | >2014 | Yes |
FAST | 70–3000 | 4 | Sun | 0.8′–30′ | >2017 | No |
EOVSA | 1000–18000 | 20 | Sun | 0.05′–1′ | >2015 | Yes |
MWA | 80–300 | 4 | Sun, IPM, Iono | 1′–5′ | >2012 | No |
NRH | 150–445 | 11 | Sun | 0.9′–2.6′ | 1997–2014 | Yes |
GRAPH | 50–150 | 7 | Sun | 3′–11.2′ | 1997 – present | Yes |
VLA | 74–50000 | 18 | Sun | 1.2″–13′ | >1980 | No |
OVRO-LWA | 10–88 | 18 | Sun, IPM, Iono | 2–20° | >2009 | Yesd |
NoRH | 17, 34 | 3 | Sun | 0.07′–0.1′ | >1992 | Yes |
SSRT | 5700 | 5 | Sun | 15″ | >1996 | Yes |
EISCAT 3D | 218–248 | TBD | IPM, Iono | TBD | >2021 | TBD |
ORT | 327 | 7 | IPM | N/A | >1970 | Yes |
MEXART | 140 | 17 | IPM | N/A | >2010 | Yes |
BSA-LPA | 111 | 7 | IPM | N/A | >1970s | Yes |
GMRT | 150–1500 | 7 | Sun, IPM | 2″–1′ | >1998 | Yes |
KSWC-IPS | 327 | 4 | IPM | N/A | N/A | Yes |
Ionosondesb | 0.5–20 | 0–24 | Iono | N/A | N/A | Yes |
ISEE | 327 | 3 | IPM | N/A | >1980s | Yes |
KAIRA | 10–240 | 11 | Iono | 2–20° | >2012 | Yes |
RSTN | 25–85 | 0–24 | Sun | N/A | >1980s | Yes |
WIND/WAVES | 0.01–14 | 0–24 | Sun, IPM | N/A | >1996 | Yes |
STEREO/WAVES | 0.01–16 | 0–24 | Sun, IPM | N/A | 2006–2015 | Yes |
SO RPW | 0.01–20 | Intermittent | Sun, IPM | N/A | 2019–2022 | Yes |
PSP FIELDS | 0.01–20 | Intermittent | Sun, IPM | N/A | 2019–2025 | Yes |
SRB monitoringb | 10–5000 | 0–24 | Sun | N/A | N/A | Yes |
If the observatory performs daytime space weather observations it may do so at any time when the Sun is visible, however nominal operation is likely to be several hours centered on local noon.
There are hundreds of global ionosondes and SRB monitoring observatories. The parameters presented here are a generic representation of their nominal operational ranges.
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