Table 1

Radio instruments performing observations for space weather science and/or operations.

Instrument Frequency (MHz) Local noon (UTC)a Observable Angular resolution Operational phase SW monitoringc
LOFAR 10–240 11 Sun, IPM, Iono 1.4′–30″ (core stations) >2006 No
LOFAR4SW 10–240 11 Sun, IPM, Iono 1.4′–30″ (core stations) >2023 Yes
SKA 350–14000 10 (SA), 4 (AUS) Sun, IPM, Iono TBD >2020 No
MUSER 400–15000 4 Sun 1.3′–50″ >2014 Yes
FAST 70–3000 4 Sun 0.8′–30′ >2017 No
EOVSA 1000–18000 20 Sun 0.05′–1′ >2015 Yes
MWA 80–300 4 Sun, IPM, Iono 1′–5′ >2012 No
NRH 150–445 11 Sun 0.9′–2.6′ 1997–2014 Yes
GRAPH 50–150 7 Sun 3′–11.2′ 1997 – present Yes
VLA 74–50000 18 Sun 1.2″–13′ >1980 No
OVRO-LWA 10–88 18 Sun, IPM, Iono 2–20° >2009 Yesd
NoRH 17, 34 3 Sun 0.07′–0.1′ >1992 Yes
SSRT 5700 5 Sun 15″ >1996 Yes
EISCAT 3D 218–248 TBD IPM, Iono TBD >2021 TBD
ORT 327 7 IPM N/A >1970 Yes
MEXART 140 17 IPM N/A >2010 Yes
BSA-LPA 111 7 IPM N/A >1970s Yes
GMRT 150–1500 7 Sun, IPM 2″–1′ >1998 Yes
KSWC-IPS 327 4 IPM N/A N/A Yes
Ionosondesb 0.5–20 0–24 Iono N/A N/A Yes
ISEE 327 3 IPM N/A >1980s Yes
KAIRA 10–240 11 Iono 2–20° >2012 Yes
RSTN 25–85 0–24 Sun N/A >1980s Yes
WIND/WAVES 0.01–14 0–24 Sun, IPM N/A >1996 Yes
STEREO/WAVES 0.01–16 0–24 Sun, IPM N/A 2006–2015 Yes
SO RPW 0.01–20 Intermittent Sun, IPM N/A 2019–2022 Yes
PSP FIELDS 0.01–20 Intermittent Sun, IPM N/A 2019–2025 Yes
SRB monitoringb 10–5000 0–24 Sun N/A N/A Yes

If the observatory performs daytime space weather observations it may do so at any time when the Sun is visible, however nominal operation is likely to be several hours centered on local noon.


There are hundreds of global ionosondes and SRB monitoring observatories. The parameters presented here are a generic representation of their nominal operational ranges.


SW monitoring refers to whether or not the instrument observe the sun, heliosphere or ionopshere constantly throughout its observing window.


OVRO-LWA is currently being upgraded with a solar-dedicated backend for space-weather-capable imaging spectroscopy (completion expected in ∼2 years).

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