Open Access

Table 2

Locations of the ionosondes and GNSS receiver stations.

Station Geog. Lat. (°N) Geog. Lon. (°E) Geom. Lat. (°N)
 Juliusruh 54.60 13.40 54.30
 Chilton 51.60 358.7 47.70
 Dourbes 50.10 4.60 51.07
 Pruhonice 50.00 14.60 49.35
 Rome 41.90 12.50 41.81
 Athens 38.00 23.50 36.24
 Arenosillo 37.1 353.3 27.28
GNSS receivers
 PTBB 52.29 10.46 52.24
 WROC 51.11 17.06 50.04
 WTZA 49.14 12.88 48.80
 BRST 48.38 355.50 50.87
 LROC 46.16 358.78 48.19
 GRAC 43.75 6.92 44.52
 AJAC 41.93 8.76 42.45
 MADR 40.43 355.75 43.08
 DYNG 38.08 23.93 36.25
 ROAG 36.46 353.79 39.51
 IFR1 33.51 354.87 36.45
 DRAG 31.59 33.39 28.42

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