Table A.1

Column description of the ICME dataset created as a part of this work.

Name Keyword Description Source
LASCO start LASCO_Start First CME appearance in LASCO C2/C3 coronagraphs LASCO/CDAW1
Start date Start_Date Time when CME reaches to 20 R Napoletano et al. (2022)
Arrival date Arrival_Date Estimated arrival time of ICME using insitu signatures R & C2
Plasma event duration PE_duration End of ICME plasma signatures after col 3 is recorded R & C
Arrival speed Arrival_v ICME arrival speed at L1 (km/s) R & C
Transit time Transit_time (h) Computed between col 1 and col 3 Napoletano et al. (2022)
Transit time error Transit_time_err (h) Error associated to the start date of CME Napoletano et al. (2022)
LASCO date LASCO_Date Most likely associated CME observed by LASCO LASCO/CDAW
LASCO speed LASCO_v (km/s) Speed correspond to the fastest moving point of CME in LASCO FOV LASCO/CDAW
Position angle LASCO_pa (deg) Counterclockwise (from solar North) angle of appearance into coronographs LASCO/CDAW
Angular width LASCO_da (deg.) Angular expansion of CME into coronographs LASCO/CDAW
Halo LASCO_halo If LASCO_da is >270° then “FH” (full halo), if >180° “HH” (half halo), if >90° “PH”(partial halo), otherwise “NO” LASCO/CDAW
De-projected speed v_r (km/s) De-projected CME speed Napoletano et al. (2022)
De-projected speed error v_r_err (km/s) Uncertainty of CME initial speed Napoletano et al. (2022)
Theta source Theta_source (arcsec) Longitude of the most likely source of CME Napoletano et al. (2022)
Phi source Phi_source (arcsec) Co-latitude of the most likely source of CME Napoletano et al. (2022)
Source POS error source_err (deg.) Uncertainty of the most likely CME source Napoletano et al. (2022)
POS source angle POS_source_angle (deg.) Principal angle of the most likely CME source Napoletano et al. (2022)
Relative width rel_wid (rad.) De-projected width of CME Napoletano et al. (2022)
Mass Mass (gm) Estimated CME Mass LASCO/CDAW
Solar wind type (CH) SW_type Solar wind (slow, S, or fast, F) interacting with the ICME based on the presence of coronal hole near CME location Napoletano et al. (2022)
Bz Bz (nT) z-component of magnetic field at L1 and CME arrival time R & C
Dst DST Geomagnetic Dst index recorded at CME arrival R & C
Statistical de-projected speed v_r_stat (km/s) Statistical de-projected CME speed, that is, v_r_stat = LASCO_v × 1.027 + 41.5
Acceleration Accel. (m/s2) Residual acceleration at last CME observation Napoletano et al. (2022)
Analytical wind Analyitic_w (km/s) Solar wind from DBM exact inversion Napoletano et al. (2022)
Analytical gamma Analyitic_gamma (km−1) Drag parameter, γ, from DBM exact inversion Napoletano et al. (2022)
Transit Time (Simulated) T1_Sim (h) Transit time calculated using P-DBM This Work
Transit Time error (Simulated) T1_Sim_err (h) Error associated with transit time in P-DBM This Work
Impact Speed (Simulated) V1_Sim (km/s) Calculated CME arrival speed using P-DBM This Work
Impact Speed error (Simulated) V1_Sim_err (km/s) Error associated with arrival speed in P-DBM This Work
Solar Wind Speed W_Sim (km/s) Mean value of solar wind speed from inversion procedure This Work
Solar Wind Speed Error W_Sim_err (km/s) Standard deviation of solar wind speed from inversion procedure This Work
Gamma Simulated Gamma_Sim_s (km-1) “s” parameter for lognormal PDF This Work
Gamma Error Simulated Gamma_Sim_loc (km-1) “loc” parameter for lognormal PDF This Work
Gamma Simulated (log) Gamma_Sim_scale “scale” parameter for lognormal PDF This Work
Optimal Transit Time T1_opt Minimally deviated transit time compared to observed one This Work
Optimal Impact Speed V1_opt V1 correspond to T1_opt This Work
Optimal W W_opt W correspond to T1_opt This Work
Optimal gamma Gamma_opt Gamma correspond to T1_opt This Work
Optimal V_r V_r_opt V_r correspond to T1_opt This Work
W CI min W99_min Minimum value of 99% confidence interval for w This Work
W CI max W99_max Maximum value of 99% confidence interval for w This Work
Gamma CI min Gamma99_min Minimum value of 99% confidence interval for gamma This Work
Gamma CI max Gamma99_max Maximum value of 99% confidence interval for gamma This Work
CME Type (V_r_opt) CME_type CME type based on W_sim (Accelerating/Decelerating) This Work
CME Type (V_r) CME_type_v0 CME type based on W_opt (accelerating: A/decelerating D) This Work
Solar wind Type (Wth) Wind_type Solar wind (based on threshold value) interacting with ICME This Work
Target distance R1(AU) (AU) Sun-Earth Distance at CME start date (Col2) This Work
Fitting Fitting (AR) Goodness of Inversion procedure: Optimal/Suboptimal/Inadequate This Work
Acceptance Rate Acceptance_Rate Acceptance rate of inversion procedure This Work
Best W PDF Best_fit_W Most suitable PDF for W This Work
Best gamma PDF Best_fit_gamma Most suitable PDF for gamma This Work

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