Open Access

Table 2

Location, codes, geographical coordinates, and year of analysis of the different GNSS receivers used along this work. Clovers, spades, and stars denote whether the receivers have been used for the comparison of EPB detection methods performance, for the computation of two-dimensional EPB velocities, or for the computation of EPB velocity along the drift by combining GNSS and DGS data, respectively.

Location (Region) Code Lon (°) Lat (°) Year
Papeete (Tahiti) thti ♣ −149.61 −17.74 2014
Arequipa (Peru) areq ♣ ⋆ −71.49 −16.36 2014
Recife (Brazil) recf ♣ −34.95 −8.00 2014
Ascension Island (Saint Helena) asc1 ⋆ −14.33 −7.92 2002
Maspalomas (Spain) mas1 ♣ −15.63 27.61 2014
Malindi (Kenya) mal2 ♣ 30.09 −1.93 2014
Cibinong (Indonesia) bako ♣ 106.85 −6.45 2014
Dededo (Guam) guam ♣ ⋆ 144.87 13.50 2014
Funafuti (Tuvalu) tuva ♣ 179.20 −8.47 2014
Redonda Island (Antigua and Barbuda) rdon ♠ ⋆ −62.35 16.93 2014
Olveston (Montserrat) olvn ♠ ⋆ −62.23 16.75 2014
Air Studios (Montserrat) airs ♠ ⋆ −62.21 16.74 2014
North-West Bluff (Montserrat) nwbl ♠ ⋆ −62.20 16.82 2014
Geralds Yard (Montserrat) gerd ♠ ⋆ −62.19 16.69 2014
Trant’s Bay (Montserrat) trnt ♠ ⋆ −62.16 16.76 2014
Boggy Peak (Antigua and Barbuda) bggy ♠ ⋆ −61.86 17.05 2014

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