Open Access

Table 3

Comparison of the automatically detected EPBs by the Blanch et al. (2018) method and the new method for the different GNSS receivers in Table 2. True positive EPBs correspond to the number of events that have been checked for each version of the detection method.

Blanch et al. (2018) method
New method
Receiver Automatically detected EPBs True positive EPBs False positive rate (%) Automatically detected EPBs True positive EPBs False positive rate (%)
areq 181 169 6.6 192 186 3.1
bako 147 87 40.8 151 129 14.6
guam 180 123 31.7 142 107 24.6
mal2 377 355 5.8 373 362 2.9
mas1 248 246 0.8 227 222 2.2
recf 464 415 10.6 332 327 1.5
thti 72 63 12.5 84 80 4.8
Total 1873 1655 11.6 1724 1635 5.2

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