Table 5.

Mass budget of each spacecraft. Values are given in kg.

Safety margin (%) SCE SC80
Payload 20 206.7 204.0
Propulsion 5 14.4 110.3
ACS 5 90.3 90.3
TT&C 5 52.5 88.0
OBDH 10 22.0 33.0
Thermal 10 42.4 56.2
Power 5 62.2 75.0
Structure 5 127.2 168.5
System margin 25 154.1 206.3
S/C Dry mass 770.9 1031.6
Propellent 86.1 496.0
S/C Wet mass 5 857.0 1527.6
Adaptor 150.0 150.0
Launched mass 1007.0 1677.6
Launcher potential 2150.0 2150.0
Launcher margin 1143.0 422.4

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