Table 7.

Overview of the operational characteristics of the remote-sensing instruments.

Instrument Onboard SCE Onboard SC80 Wavelengths FOV (RSun) Detector size (pix) Pixel size (arcsec) Observable
UV and IR coronagraph × × HI Lyα (121.6 nm) 1.1–2 1024 × 1024 5 Magnetic field in low corona
HI Lyβ (102.6 nm)
FeXIII (1074.7 nm)
FeXIII (1079.8 nm)
HeI (1083.0 nm)
Visible (560 nm)
Multi-Magnetic Imager × Fe I (630.15 nm) <1.07 4096 × 4096 0.5 Magnetic field in photosphere and chromosphere
Fe I (630.25 nm)
NaI (589.59 nm)
NaI (588.99 nm)
Magnetic Imager × Fe I (617.3 nm) <1.07 4096 × 4096 0.5 Magnetic field in photosphere
White Light Coronagraph × × 400–850 nm 2–30 1024 × 1024 56 Velocity of CMEs near the Sun
Heliospheric Imager × 400–1000 nm 130–216 1024 × 1024 148 Properties of the propagation of CMEs through interplanetary medium
EUV Imager × × Fe IX/X (17.4 nm) <1.6 1024 × 1024 3.2 Coronal structures

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