Table 1.

Information list of the CMEs along with the auto-detection results.

CME date from CCMC CME board Source information
Auto-detection 2D parameters
Auto-detection + cone-fit 3D parameters
Source Location Start time Max time End time Max Kp Disturbance start time Central PA (°) Projected angular width (°) Velocity at central PA (km s−1) direction (°) Angular width (°) Velocity (km s−1)
2014-01-07T18:24 Flare(X1.2) S15W11 01-07T18:04 18:32 18:58 3 01-09T19:32 269 249 817 S19W19 86 1230
2014-02-04T01:25 Flare(M3.8) N09W13 02-04T01:16 1:23 1:31 5 02-07T16:16 194 75 481 N27W13 74 2970
2014-02-18T01:25 Filament S08W02 02-17T22:06 1:06 6 02-20T02:50 138 150 545 S07W19 120 710
2014-02-19T16:00 Filament S04W21 02-19T15:18 18:42 4 02-23T06:00 No detection
Flare(C3.3) S14E38 02-20T03:15 3:35 3:57 140 81 593 S07E79 166 690
2014-02-25T01:25 Flare(X4.9) S12E82 02-25T00:39 0:49 1:03 6 02-27T16:10 219 48 772 S25E04 52 1250
2014-03-23T04:09 Flare(C5.0) S14E20 03-23T03:05 3:48 4:30 4 03-25T19:25 55 78 729 S07W19 86 1850
2014-04-18T13:09 Flare(M7.3) S16W41 04-18T12:31 13:03 13:20 5 04-20T10:22 207 150 916 S53W53 143 1190
2014-08-22T06:28 Flare(C2.2) N10W07 08-22T10:13 10:27 10:46 5 08-27T00:00 No detection
Flare(C6.2) N10W07 08-22T15:40 15:52 16:02 No detection
2014-09-09T00:16 Flare(M4.5) N15E21 09-08T23:12 0:29 1:31 5 09-11T22:56 59 129 610 N27E21 109 650
2014-09-10T18:24 Flare(X1.6) N15W00 09-10T17:21 17:45 18:20 7 09-12T15:26 309 306 745 N10W02 74 1130
2014-12-19T00:27 Flare(M6.9) S11E15 12-18T21:41 21:58 22:25 5 12-21T18:22 No detection
2015-03-15T02:00 Flare(C9.1) S17W25 03-15T01:15 2:13 3:20 7 03-17T04:05 291 126 576 S07W07 74 870
2015-04-04T23:36 Flare(C3.8) S21W30 04-04T22:16 0:07 1:45 3 04-09T01:10 68 129 519 S07E10 52 950
2015-05-02T21:36 Filament S44W00 05-02T14:30 0:00 5 05-06T00:50 57 159 495 N16W02 86 690
2015-06-18T17:24 Flare(M3.0) N12E33 06-18T16:30 17:36 18:25 4 06-21T15:40 72 120 1055 S76E10 155 1150
2015-06-19T06:42 Filament S28W11 06-19T03:00 9:00 5 06-22T04:51 No detection
2015-06-21T02:48 Flare(M2.6) N13W00 06-21T02:06 2:36 3:02 5 06-22T17:59 339 138 890 N21E16 120 930
2015-06-22T18:36 Flare(M6.5) N12W20 06-22T17:39 18:23 18:51 6 06:24T12:57 302 129 839 N16W70 143 870
2015-06-25T08:36 Flare(M7.9) N12W53 06-25T08:02 8:16 9:05 3 06-27T03:30 92 153 826 N38W59 155 1030
2015-08-12T15:12 Flare(B7.0) N27W27 08-12T14:26 15:26 16:47 7 08-15T07:43 188 51 505 N16W30 86 1490
2015-09-18T04:30 Flare(C2.6) S21W10 09-18T04:22 6:31 7:20 7 09-20T05:27 174 78 510 S13W02 40 1030
2015-11-04T14:24 Flare(M3.7) N09W04 11-04T13:31 13:52 14:13 6 11-06T17:34 212 33 492 S13W07 40 870
2015-12-28T12:39 Flare(M1.8) S22W19 12-28T11:20 12:45 14:09 6 12-31T00:02 272 45 664 S70W59 166 650
2016-04-10T11:00 Filament N10E25 04-10T10:13 11:40 5 04-14T06:50 16 72 486 N16E10 40 750
2016-11-05T04:48 Filament N24W15 11-05T02:00 5:00 5 11-09T05:28 255 18 321 No fit (projected width is too small)

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