Table 1.

List of IGS GNSS receivers used in this study arranged by longitude.

IGS GNSS receiver (21) Lon Lat IGS GNSS receiver (25) Lon Lat IGS GNSS receiver (25) Lon Lat
kokb −159.66 21.99 nium −169.93 −18.96 nium −169.93 −18.96
maui −156.26 20.58 thti −149.61 −17.47 thti −149.61 −17.47
mkea −155.46 19.68 bogt −74.08 4.61 bogt −74.08 4.61
guat −90.52 14.50 pove −63.90 −8.65 pove −63.90 −8.65
glps −90.30 −0.74 kour −52.81 5.22 abmf −61.53 16.16
ssia −89.12 13.61 braz −47.88 −15.85 kour −52.81 5.22
mana −86.25 12.15 chpi −44.99 −22.55 braz −47.88 −15.85
scub −75.76 20.01 recf −34.95 −8.00 chpi −44.99 −22.55
bogt −74.08 4.61 mas1 −15.63 27.61 recf −34.95 −8.00
areq −71.49 −16.36 ykro −5.24 6.83 mas1 −15.63 27.61
cro1 −64.58 17.65 nurk 30.09 −1.93 sthl −5.67 −15.84
chpi −44.99 −22.55 adis 38.77 8.98 ykro −5.24 6.83
asc1 −14.41 −7.95 mal2 40.19 −2.98 zamb 28.31 −15.33
msku 13.55 −1.63 sey1 55.48 −4.64 adis 38.77 8.98
zamb 28.31 −15.33 dgar 72.37 −7.22 mal2 40.19 −2.98
mbar 30.74 −0.60 coco 96.83 −12.11 nama 42.04 19.09
dgar 72.37 −7.22 cusv 100.53 13.65 sey1 55.48 −4.64
iisc 77.57 12.94 ntus 103.68 1.34 dgar 72.37 −7.22
pimo 121.08 14.54 bako 106.85 −6.45 pbr2 92.71 11.56
guam 144.87 13.50 pimo 121.08 14.54 coco 96.83 −12.11
kwj1 167.73 8.66 darw 131.13 −12.76 bako 106.85 −6.45
guam 144.87 13.50 pimo 121.08 14.54
kiri 172.92 1.35 darw 131.13 −12.76
auck 174.83 −36.42 guam 144.87 13.50
tuva 179.20 −8.47 tuva 179.20 −8.47

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