Open Access
Table 2.
Parameters for the calculation of radar sensitivity to interferencesa.
Parameter | Description | Value |
G | Maximum antenna gain | 27 dBi |
PT | Pointing in elevation | ~6–8° |
BW | Beam width | 10° at 3 dB |
S min | Minimum detectable signal at antenna output | −103 dBm |
CL | Cable loss | 2 dB |
RBW | Typical receiver bandwidth | 5.5 MHz |
S/I | Signal to interference ratio | 12 dB |
MG | Aeronautical safety margin and multiple technology allowance | 12 dB |
We follow here the methodology by Frequentis (2007), where a conservative interference threshold at receiver input is calculated as: S min + G − CL − (S/I) − MG, which amounts to −102 dBm.
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