Open Access

Table 3.

Peak flux densities in SFU for the strongest radio bursts since 2000 (peak flux greater than 50 000 SFU at 1415 MHz) tabulated by NOAAi (RSTN network at 1415 MHz) and by the Nobeyama Observatoryii (1000 and 2000 MHz).

Date Flux at 1000 MHz Flux at 1415 MHz Flux at 2000 MHz
2001 April 15 N/A 54 000 N/A
2002 April 21 150 000 110 000 9000
2006 December 06 N/A 139 000a,b N/A
2006 December 13 440 000 130 000a 302 000
2006 December 14 N/A 55 600 N/A
2011 February 15 46 000 54 000 1500
2011 September 24 N/A 110 000 N/A
2012 March 05 502 000 20 000c 19 000

Saturation limit;


Cliver et al. (2011) report for that event a peak flux density of ~106 SFU from OVSA observations between 1 and 1.6 GHz;


End of observations at peak flux; probably underestimated.

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