Table 2

Maximum correlation coefficients (CCMi) and time delays (Δt i) for 12–13 October 2015 event with EB040 as a reference site.

Station Δx i (km) Δy i (km) CCMi Δt i (min)
FF051 −176.2 1268.8 0.89 −45
RL052 −96.9 1245.5
DB049 361.3 1198.9
RO041 1057.4 128 0.86 −10
JR055 1136.7 1606.3 0.57 −48
PQ052 1242.4 1070.9
VT139 1524.4 −23.3 0.87 −7
AT138 2026.6 −325.9 0.57 −60

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