Table 1

List of the Digisonde stations with International Union of Radio Science (URSI) codes, geodetic coordinates, cadence of measurements, and Digisonde model.

Station URSI Code Latitude Longitude Cadence Model
Juliusruha JR055 54.6 N 13.4 E 15 min DPS4D
Fairford FF051 51.7 N −1.5 E 15 min DPS4D
Chilton RL052 51.5 N −0.6 E 10 min DPS1
Dourbesa DB049 51.1 N 4.6 E 5 min DPS4D
Pruhonicea PQ052 50.0 N 14.6 E 15 min DPS4D
Sopronb SO148 47.6 N 16.7 E 15 min DPS4D
Roma RO041 41.9 N 12.5 E 15 min DPS4
Roquetesa EB040 40.8 N 0.5 E 5 min DPS4D
San Vito VT139 40.6 N 17.8 E 15 min DPS4D
Athensa AT138 38.0 N 23.5 E 5 min DPS4D
Madimboa MU12K 22.4 S 30.8 E 15 min DPS4D
Louisvalea LV12P 28.5 S 21.2 E 15 min DPS4D
Grahamstowna GR13L 33.3 S 26.5 E 15 min DPS4D
Hermanusa HE13N 34.4 S 19.2 E 5 min DPS4D

Digisonde observatories participating in the TechTIDE project.


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